Festival Accessories DIY
I’m going all out with the outfits this year for my first UMF Miami and I’m working two jobs. That doesn’t mean I want to spend $250+ on cool accessories. I love Brittsblossoms accessories like the headbands, the leg garters, the ear muffs and earrings! Everything is so cool but I’m balling on a budget for 2025. I’ve found a place to order marabou feathers for nearly a quarter of what I would spend buying things from her website. I have bulk cheap hair clips to decorate with the feathers and even pass some out. Do I hot glue the boa on the clips? I’m lost as to how to attach the feathers to things. Does anyone have any recommendations for plain leg garters and accessories that can be decorated, and suggestions as to how to achieve similar look as her products? I have some idea but it’s been awhile since I got creative and crafty. I appreciate any help!!!