Is going back on UC worth it?

I was on it for 3 years (from 2019 to 2022) and it was a bit messy. My life is a bit different now in that I have since worked and know what I'm looking for exactly.

However, I am adamant not to go back on it despite my parents suggestions. Being called in for an appointment was something I found extremely stressful, even though I was actively searching and doing what I was asked. I had a part-time job but I was still being brought in for weekly appointments. It's not like they didn't know I was autistic.

There was a complication with my savings at the time of the initial claim - I didn't have entire control of my finances at the time (my dad had access to my account) and £5,000 was taken out of it so I met the threshold. Unfortunately, a few years later, I was called for a "compliance appointment" and they requested all of my bank statements to be printed off.

I tried for PIP as well but it was the same story. I get that these are safety nets but I genuinely don't have the energy to put myself through them anymore. I know it's wrong, but I would rather run out of money than go through that process again.