People's suicide posts on this sub really freak me out.
First of all I'd like to emphasize that this is not pointed in the direction of any particular user whatsoever. I'm not intending to criticize or guilt-trip anybody. It's just a vent about something on this sub that we see semi-regularly that bothers me. I have an irrational fear of death that I'm pretty sure is connected to my hypochondria and seeing people post in this sub about how they're planning on killing themselves really sets it off.
I know it's a me problem, but there's no way to filter out or block these posts so every time one crops up I see it and get anxious. I know everyone needs a place to vent, but there are subs specifically for that sort of post and I feel like... I dunno, like this sub isn't really the place for them? I just wish there was a way to filter them out of my own feed because they're not great for my mental health.