How similar can AuDHD and bipolar disorder be?

Hi everyone, it's my first post around here and I never comment either, but as a shy visitor, I do check the sub quite often and always found it very useful!

A long time ago, I had been diagnosed with ADHD, then bipolar disorder. I got prescribed medication for both. Like many people it seems, I was blown away at first by the clarity I discovered after trying the ADHD meds... until it stopped doing anything (side effects stayed though). On the other hand, the bipolar meds turned out to be very efficient to suppress my intense ups and downs... to the point where I ended up feeling numb all the time, not unhappy but not happy either. I then decided to quit them both and to find a way to deal with it (focus issues & ups and downs) by myself. Took me a year to get rid of the side effects and to get my full range of emotions back (at some point, I even got scared it would never come back).

At the time, I was quite sure I was on the spectrum, but the psychiatrist I was seeing was not qualified to do anything about it so I got introduced to another one. As I thought, I then got diagnosed with ASD and we spent a few years working together for me to find the right balance in my daily life. Recently, we brought back the topic of my bipolar disorder and my psychiatrist has the feeling than I might have been misdiagnosed. I already know that it's frequent for ND people to develop a bipolar disorder (comorbidity yay) but according to my psychiatrist, she sees it more like a fight between my ASD symptoms and my ADHD ones, which would totally make sense.

Even during what I used to call my manic phases, I have always kept enough control not to get myself or people around me in any trouble. However, I have been analyzing my patterns for a few years now and I keep seeing those 1 or 2 week "down" periods every 1 or 2 months, even when I have no proper reason to feel down and everything is going fine in my life. During these "down" periods, I start doubting everything I have ever made, everything I am planning to do, and also the people around me ("am I dragging them down?" "are they dragging me down?" "is it worth it?"). During the "up" periods, I feel pretty confident in whatever I do - besides social interactions -, and grateful to be surrounded by my friends.

All of that to say: is there any of you going through similar cycles?

Does anyone know if there are such similarities between AuDHD and bipolar disorder?

Thank you very much for reading!