[Spoilers MAIN] Do you think GRRM actually has an elaborate answer to the mysteries that we theorize about, or did he just outline stuff without actual concepts behind them?

I'm thinking of things like:

- what is West of Westeros

- what caused the Doom

- where dragons are actually from and who created them

- what's in Asshai, who built it, why is it so big, why are there no children there, why do people where masks, etc.

- what's the origin of the black stone Asshai and other places in the far east are built of (I'm kind of obsessed with Asshai)

- what's in Sothoryos, who lives there, how large is it exactly

- is the world actually round, are the Shadowlands and the Land of Always Winter interconnected

- what the Lord of Light actually wants

- what is up with the Weirwoods, how does their magic work


I get that in order for magic to be magical it has to be mysterious. I get that there must be some uncharted places for the lore to be mythical. However, I have a general feeling that GRRM overdoes it, and leaves most of this world too vague and shrugs off too many things with 'it's better left unanswered/we don't really know, bc it's too far or happened too long ago'. It looks like lazy worldbuilding to me. In Harry Potter or LoTR as far as I know most things are explained, or the author has a clear concept about it. E.g. we know that Rowling does have an idea of how horcruxes are made, she just refuses to share it, because it's too disturbing, apparently.

There are too many unresolved mysteries in this world for me to be really enjoyable. If I delve into fantasy, I want to really immerse myself into it and explore the author's ideas. Here I have the feeling that the author doesn't really have clear ideas, just the facade of them. I cannot help but think that Martin is just bluffing and uses the method of sprinkling some info here and there to trigger our imagination, but there are actually no clear rules or real answers, which I find frustrating.

P.S.: In the meantime I found another post that lists all the mysteries: https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/52kfcg/spoilers_main_a_complete_list_of_unresolved/