Gender test from blood?

I'm 17 mtf and my parents think I'm not accually trans. They wanted to get me some test and I agreed. In around 4 hours I'll be in a clinic, where doctors are supposed to take sample of my blood and check it to see if I'm trans or not, but I can't find any informatuon about that kind of test. Does it work? Or is it some kind of scam?

UPDATE: Firts of all, thank you for all the responses, thanks to you, I think I know what my parents are up to. No-one harmed me, in the clinic the doctor just took the samples of my blood. When I talked with my parents after, they didn't care when I told them that no such test exists. When I asked them how on earth would that work, they first said 'something with chromosomes', but when I responded that that way it will never say I'm a woman, they said they don't know. What worries me more tho is that they also said - 'maybe you're a girl, but if not, we got to help you'. When I asked about it, they said I might be sick. I'm currently in a psychiatric treatment, so I don't think I'll be send to any mental hospital, as my psychiatrist is accepting and pretty well informed about transgender topic (plus my parents are super lazy with dictors, to the point they would risk my brother cancer spread [[he doesn't have cancer, but simptoms implied it could be it]] so I think I'll turn 18 before they do anything.