What was the "ah ha!" moment for you?

I hope this doesn't sound like a silly question, but at what point did you realize you wanted to transition? For years, I never felt like I fit in the world of men. I tried making myself feel more "manly" by doing blue collar work, but always felt like I was an outsider looking in. What was that moment in time when you realized you were not the gender you were born and raised into?

As I get older, I realized much of my depression was centered around never feeling like I fit into the masculine mold. I came out to my wife a few years ago as bisexual, and in the last few months, I've told her I may possibly be trans. This weekend, we rented a hotel room. She had me dress in women's clothes, did my makeup and put me in a wig. For the first time in my life, looking in the mirror didn't fill me with a sense of disgust.

My wife being a musician, helped me with finding a more feminine voice and helped me with some feminine mannerisms. It felt nice to just be.....not a man? I guess??

So I guess in conclusion, I have been flirting with the idea of talking to a therapist about my dysphoric feelings. But what I really came here to ask, how did you know? What was that proverbial "light bulb" moment when you just thought, "yeah, I might not want to be (insert gender here) anymore.

Please, be gentle, it took a lot to write this. I really am sincere, I'm just looking for some guidance or maybe even a little advice on how to go from here.