What’s your opinion on keeping stuff that you’ve gotten from an ex?
Posted this in the girls one too but thought it might be fun to get some perspective.
So I got a video about this on my fyp and realized that people seem to have VERY different opinions on this and I thought it might be interesting to hear what other people think! And to clarify my question so I don’t get any angry comments, with the question I don’t mean that you refuse to give things back that don’t belong to you but rather keeping stuff that you’ve been given or things they’ve expressed that they don’t want back.
Some people seem to think that it’s disrespectful to future partners and that you shouldn’t keep stuff that’s from an ex. I personally have like different clothing items I’ve gotten from exes that I haven’t gotten rid of bcs like I wear them and use them. I don’t really see the big issue personally but I’d love to hear others thoughts! So what do you think?