Tools to help reduce stress?

I am in the final weeks of mortuary school and my stress levels have been very intense.

I pretty much have been going to work, going to school, studying for hours and then getting to sleep for only a few.

I love what we do for work, but the added stress of graduating and taking the state and national exams has been getting to me on top of all the services I have been planning.

This month- I’ve gotten dozens of service calls and handfuls of direct cremations. All the service calls have either been high profile, or overall just require a lot of attention. I’m so happy to do this for all of these families. I love working with them and want to be able to help them through their loss.

The amount of work that is being demanded of me though is started by to wear on me. My phone never stops ringing and I always come in to so many emails.

There’s definitely times where it’s busier than others, and for some reason we are very busy right now, but with school added I just have been feeling so beat down and I can feel the stress getting to me in my muscles, restlessness, etc.

Does any other directors have good methods of coping or reducing stress? Obviously I can’t not work with the families I have, but just ways throughout the day where you can pause to change your mindset and destress?? I just want to be proactive so that I don’t burn myself out and can be my best for my families!!

Any hep or advice is appreciated