Help! should a dentist do more than a visual routine checkup for old heavily filled teeth?
Im having my 2nd bicuspid out tomorrow (brand new dentist), its rotten down to the nerve, with a huge cavity at the gum. I didnt even notice it until the weekend. I cant see it, feel it unless trying to. Ive had 3 standard 6 monthly routine inspections, the last being in november.
Im carefully pulling out huge amounts of food with fine tip tweezers, going deep into crevices.
Surely there must have been a SLIGHT SIGN of this visually?? But in any case, would a good dentist suggest a routine xray with such precarious worn teeth? I dont have many teeth, the one coming out is the ONE main tooth I chew on. Aaargh!
It will not be easy to remove, it will have to come out in pieces, and work on the bone Im told. 😫Im in australia.