How much is too much for you ?
Mee friends ki appu ivvalsi vasthe isthaara ? Isthe yentha isthaaru ? Yentha varaku ivvagalaru ?
Nenaithe max 100-200 rupees ustha anthe at this stage of my life.
Konni saarlu friends above 1000 rupees or even 10,000 rupees above kooda adigaaru... Naanu no sonna. Isthe malli venakki raavu.
One of my colleague (he is 35 years old) gave 1 lakh loans to his friends and he is suffering now. Ivvakapothe pride hurt authundhi ani antunnaadu.. what a fool.
Naa college days lo nenu parties unnappudu 70-80% funding chese vaadini and I never got that money back.. they never helped me when I was in need. So I learnt a hard lesson in my early 20's.
Friends and money is a poisonous combination ani nammutha.