[Discussion] Every Show Has One: Arrow Edition Day 6. Who is The Gremlin of the show?

McKenna Hall, Oliver’s cop girlfriend who disliked vigilantes back in season 1, takes the fifth category. Just saying, the best answers on the previous post were the ones that were like “that one guy who was in x episode” or “that one chick who Oliver dated” really fit in the description of not knowing the name of the character. To everyone who answered in that form, “you guys are the real heroes”, as a not-so Superman would say.

McKenna Hall, Oliver’s cop girlfriend who disliked vigilantes back in season 1, takes the fifth category. Just saying, the best answers on the previous post were the ones that were like “that one guy who was in x episode” or “that one chick who Oliver dated” really fit in the description of not knowing the name of the character. To everyone who answered in that form, “you guys are the real heroes”, as a not-so Superman would say.