Show me your budget build

I feel like POF doesn't get as much love as they deserve. After seeing Iraqveteran8888's meltdown video of the P416 I was completely sold on them. The 3.5lb trigger from the factory is incredible to shoot. Gun is definitely heavy but that's okay because it's mostly a bench gun for me.

My Build: POF P415 Edge 16.5" .223 Acog TA31F w/ Piggyback RMR Type 2 Streamlight TLR HLX w/ Cloud Defensive LCS Mount Otter Creek Polonium w/ SilencerCo ASR QD Mount SilencerCo ASR Muzzle Brake Harris S-BRMP Bipod BCM Vertical Grip Magpul MOE Stock

Been loving this one so far👍 (threw in the staccato for good measure)