Is it possible (some) AS presentations between the sexes is actually an entirely different disease?

First of all I know women can get classic AS symptoms as well, I suppose I'm more so talking about nr-axSpa, with that said...

I see a lot of posts here about the differences between the disease for men and women, and it makes me wonder whether there is some other less known inflammatory condition that has some overlap with AS, but is in fact a separate entity as the presentation does seem so different (to at least my experience with AS).

Other differences like women being more likely to have IBD & Fibro, and men on the other hand getting Uveitis more, then the fact biologics don't work as well for people with nr-axSpa makes me wonder too.

It goes without saying that this seems like a subject more research needs to be done on - but the different presentation and medication not working suggests it could be something else? Or am I mad haha.

Interested to hear what others think!