Petrol price propoganda by TDP sympathizers need to know this. Don't make baseless comments, provide evidence or data supporting your version of belifs.
Under YSRCP govt, no changes were made to petrol price compbeliefs. Mid- 2018 prices. In late 2018, cbn reduced price by 2/-. In 2020 during covid, ysrcp took back that reduction. know that state tax like other taxes on petrol/ diesel is % of base price. so when base price (crude oil price) increases, overall cost increases. 1. why cbn is not reverting to late 2018 pricing formula? there is no covid now 2. during covid, when crude oil prices dropped, central govt. added 10/- cess. not vat. cess is kept with central gov. if it was vat, they have to share with state. so by adding 10/- cess they pocketed everything. this cbn partnered with them now.