AIW for moving child away from unfit mother
Within the last year I obtained full custody of my child after their mother’s felony arrest for criminal mischief and driving while revoked for dui. In the body cam footage she was unhinged and drunk, arguing with police, etc. She can’t keep a roof over her head. She admitted to periodic meth use to me. When the court ordered a drug test she never complied. It’s likely she’ll be going to jail for a period, possibly up to 6 months.
Where I live I’m basically alone/have limited to no support because my whole family lives on the other side of the country. I have an opportunity to move closer to family and gain the village I’ve never had but always wanted. However, I’m worried I’m not doing right by my kid by moving him away from his mother who presently has only supervised visitation.
She could relocate and has considered relocating in the past. I told her I was considering it now and she refused. I think my kid would have a better life, near family, living on the beach (not literally but within bicycle distance), and beautiful weather. I think my mental health would improve too which will translate to me being a better parent.
I think it’s the right move but, am I wrong?
Edit: the judge has already given permission to leave the state.