Stan's signature gun - Solved Heckler & Koch USP or Sig Sauer P229/M11A1
severe gun nerd alert
It is incorrectly drawn, but the closest real world equivalent to Stan's signature firearm is the Heckler & Koch Universal Service Pistol (USP) or the Sig Sauer P229/M11-A1. Note that P229 & M11-A1 will be used interchangeably throughout the text, although they are two separate models. The M11-A1 is a modified version of the P229 adopted by the US Government.
First, we start with what we know. It is a semi- automatic, double & single action hammer fired, fully enclosed slide, with a manual safety lever - fed by a double stack magazine. These features are seen in show when the firearm is presented.
The shape of the frame & slide most closely matches the proportions of the USP. The trigger guard has been shown to be square at times, and more circular at other times. The square trigger guard is consistent with the trigger guard on the USP. While the circular trigger guard is consistent with the P229. The shaded areas of the in-show weapon correspond with the texturing on the USP frame, or the grip panels on the P229.
Now onto the issues with the USP being the in-show model. The slide mounted safety is the largest issue, I propose this was simply a design error. If the safety was moved down onto the frame, there would be little doubt as to the USP being Stan's signature weapon. Images showing the firearm head on, such as the first image - show a barrel bushing. This would also be incorrect for the USP. You can also see what appears to be empty space on the frame for a circular shaped magazine release. The USP utilizes the H&K paddle style magazine release. There are also several buttons on the frame. I believe the large USP disassembly lever/slide lock was in-show broken into two 'buttons'; a push pin for disassembly and a slide lock. The third 'button' would possibly be a de-cocker.
The slide mounted safety has led to some people suggesting the Beretta M9 or 92 series as the answer. However, the slide is fully enclosed and the shape of the frame is not consistent with the in show model. I will concede the Beretta Cougar 8000 is also a close visual match. I could not find video online but I distinctly remember seeing the barrel tilt back when the weapon is discharged. The Beretta 8000 utilizes a rotating barrel system which would not tilt to function. The Beretta 8000 is also an unlikely candidate to be general issue to CIA agents. The same model can be seen frequently used by Stan's coworkers, and other characters in the show.
Early seasons show the same model that is seen consistently throughout the show. While he does occasionally change models, there is one "primary" that has been seen throughout the show. This means the pistol must have been available in 2005. It also would have been a weapon likely issued to CIA agents. Heckler & Koch has a long history of providing weapons to the United States Goverment. H&K products are considered to be a "higher tier" or better quality weapons that are more expensive than competitors.
It makes sense to provide an H&K sidearm to CIA agents, as they are a smaller but elite force. The USP was in service in 2005 in various departments & agencies across the United States. Based off the available information and the identifed features above, we can eliminate multiple models off the consideration list.
These include all Glock models, all Ruger models, the 1911 & copies of it, the Beretta M9, the Jericho 941, all Keltec models, the M17/18 & P320 variations.
The second place option would be the Sig Sauer P229 also known as the M11-A1. The P229 was allegedly used by the CIA, and was issued throughout the Department of Defense. The P229 is smaller in proportion to the weapon seen in show and the frame does not extend to the end of the slide either. However, models do exist where the frame and slide are equal length. The 'buttons' on the side would correspond with the takedown lever, slide stop, and decocker (not in order). The hammer is proportionally larger compared to the in show model, and a manual safety is absent on most models. The safety is also frame mounted as are most manual safeties including on the USP.
The P229 does have a circular button magazine release on the frame which matches that seen in show. The P229 also has a metal frame, the USP has a polymer frame. Stan can be seen 'pistol whipping' several individuals leading to unconsciousness and or severe injuries. While this is 100% doable with a polymer frame pistol, it is more effective with the heavier metal frame. In show it can be seen that the slide and frame are the same color, minus a slightly darker grip area. While the USP's slide and frame are very close in color, they are not an exact match. Finally, the Sig Sauer P226 or MK25 is too large and the slide significantly extends past the frame.
While I personally believe the USP is the closest possible option. The 100% correct answer is the model is a non-existent weapon designed by people who knew little about firearms. It is clear that the Heckler & Koch Universal Service Pistol & the Sig Sauer P229/M11-A1 heavily influenced the design team.