Lost interest in boxing

(Sorry in advance for the long read)

Hi all, I started boxing 2 years ago, first it started with just classes then sparring and eventually i finally had a fight. I’m technically 2-0( first fight guy left the event so it’s a forfeit, then had real first fight in November and won). It felt great. I accomplished what i set out to do which was gain confidence by boxing and take a fight, win or lose. Here’s my problem, recently i’ve been away for the holidays and was gone for about 2 weeks. Also did this last year but this time I wasn’t looking forward to going back to the gym, actually kinda dreading it. So today i decide to go to the gym and see if that changes when i get there and workout but i left feeling the same way. Golden Gloves is coming up and it doesn’t really excite me, like i’m not looking forward to it It’s not like i’m losing interest because i’ve been hit hard or got beat up in sparring, which i have but didn’t make me want to quit. A lot of the guys in the gym eat,sleep, live boxing and i don’t. But i think the break made me want to relax and i kinda want to start lifting again. While boxing you kinda want to stay a certain size but i miss lifting weights.

However, if i leave i feel like a quitter. Like i’m running away from hard work. I also feel like i’m letting down my coaches and losing the comradery of the people in the gym. Have any of you felt like this before ? any advice ? I was thinking a couple months break and if i feel the passion again in the summer come back.