Easily the Worst Episode

Listening to Chamath and Jason celebrate the market collapsing while pitching completely ludicrous ideas. Quick summary before I turned it off. It’s amazing how terrible the show has been since Sacks left

  • The trillions getting wiped out is good and we will see more this will help the lower class
  • The housing market needs to collapse next
  • I’m gonna make 5 cities with 3 million homes each and you have to make under x (that will cap the value of those homes and tons of small communities exist but location matters so they haven’t taken off)
  • The news isn’t talking about California fires because they’re rich…then explain North Carolina and Maui?
  • Gabbling on stocks is good they will learn (see sports betting profits)
  • Your net worth should be more invested in stocks than house value (how is that possible when the average home is $400k???) go look at the average value of peoples retirement accounts