Worked my butt off... Proud of my self.
I sat for May June 2024 and got a B previously. I wasnt happy with my results so registered for a resit. The whole September was a nightmare, my exam was on the first week of October so I only had a month in my hand, studied like a mad man day and night. Alhamdulilah this time got an A. But it's too hard to please my parents, especially my dad. When I got a B he humiliated me and told me my brain is too dull and why did I take further maths and that I was hopeless. Now when I show him my results he's like why didn't you get 90+? LIKE IS IT TOO HARD TO SAY GOOD JOB I AM PROUD OF YOU OR SOMETHING? I was soo excited when I saw my result but he killed that excitement. I feel so alone, it's like I am the only one happy and no one cares. If I get B he treats me like I am useless, hopeless wasting his money. If I get A instead of praising me he turns away as if it's not a big deal,as if my efforts are worthless.
I am sorry for dumping all my feelings into a reddit post. It's just it's becoming too much to handle.