Sexually Deprived Wife (updates pt. 2)
On a serious note I think this needs an explanation.
Why husband did not touch me. From the last post 6 months ago.. the reason why husband did not and up until tonight had not fucked me was actually because he had a different kink. He likes those “r-word”, “forced” type of action.. I would have loved to role play but his explanation was: You get excited too quickly.- in my defense Im 10000% attracted to my husband and I don’t think I will never not be. His thought process was to deprive me long enough for me to start hating him so he can do what he wants to do to me.. essentially “r-word” me. Well… I was offended at first and afraid cause yah know thats dangerous waters to thread down on. Needless to say I offered therapy cause thats some twisted shit. Eventually we both found a compromise. It was not my looks, not my weight gain (I did lose weight but he begged me to maintain my current weight not lose it he loves the extra inches and the new curves I grew during those times), he just wanted to act upon his fantasies.
The compromise.
I don’t know how he will get over his fantasies, he’s working through therapy with that and we came to the conclusion that the r-word fantasy is just not going to happen to anyone, though I am aware my other women that has that fantasy and is willing to do that… I’m not her. I can’t fulfill what he wants and he just can’t fulfill mine. Sooooo we decided to have an open marriage. Cause at the end of the day, take away this aspect of our lives and we still love each other. I still love him very much we’re just not on the same page when it comes to sex. We both agreed that each one of us doesn’t want to know when and who we did it with but just as long as we are safe (HIV and STD test done regularly) and we tell each other what had happened and how it happened. We do an end of the week inuman session to tell each other what happened. Today I made a slightly poetic sex story recounting what happened yesterday.. i guess he loved it too much that he fucked me for the first time today. Thats why I wanted to share the story. My husband and I did not take this discussion lightly. It did take a couple of months before we both started to see other people. Very out of tradition I know… but we’re happy now and that is all that matters to us as of the moment.
Hope this clears it up. Cheers!