Sexually deprived wife pt2

I am overwhelmed by the number of DM’s and opinions of others about my situation that I feel the need to clear a few things out para magkaintindihan tayong lahat.

  1. The weight gain happened 3 month after the last time we had sex. I gave up begging for sex and for a brief period of time resorted to food and alcohol for comfort. So he was declining my invitations for sex before the changes came and I still looked the same, still did the same routine, still had the same shaved pussy.

  2. I tried to spice it up and still got shut down. I tried different types of lingeries. From satin (his fav. Texture) to silk, from school Girl Uniform, to see through lace. I’ve also done the regular oversized shirt with no bra and panties. Gave him a lap dance. Sat out cold in baguio weather wearing nothing to wait for him to come home under candle lights. I’ve suggested a threesome (in one instance before we got married he while in a drinking session, he was watching me kiss my female friend, I caught a glimpse of him biting his lips and adjusting his dick through his pants. We talked about and he seemed fond of this memory) his response was to look at me, bite his lips, touch my legs or thighs or breast, then proceed to either play with his phone, play tekken, sleep, or ask me what I want to eat.

  3. My husband actually prefer chubbier girls, even in porn. He has expressed to me multiple times that he doesn’t like petite women and prefers a woman with some meat. He met me I was 39-29-40.

  4. My husband, upon initial investigation ( I’m a law student I pride my self of great investigation and questioning skills) is not cheating on me.. im not sure but the thing is I secretly kept his old phone which still has all his socials open and even his bank accounts. I can also track the changes as we are both open with each other. I know his spending habits and there is no out of the blue purchases or withdrawals. I can see his texts through on my ipad. We spend most of our time together and he picks me up from work most of the time unless their projects runs late, when it does he updates me. Then again a cheating man will always find a way so I’ll keep an eye on that.

  5. I don’t want to cheat on him. I love him so much and as mentioned I’m a law student, I don’t want to take a risk and lose the chance to become an atty. though I admit I have been tempted to. Since I go the gym, my instructor would help me stretch and man, when he stretches my legs and touches my body, I get so wet. Often times I catch my self staring at men and women at the gym like a man looks at mirage of water in a dry desert.. im so fucking thirsty. (Yes I’m bi) but I can’t and I won’t.

  6. I have opened up and asked him to take supplements and aids before, but he doesn’t like the sensation of drinking them, claiming it makes him dizzy and lethargic. I have since reopened the topic and he shuts me down saying “binabastos mo pagkalalake ko”.

I feel like this is his cruel way of punishing me for something I don’t know I did. Currently I masturbate with vibrators and its such a band aid fix, its starting to take longer and longer for me to cum its frustrating. I’ve started rubbing my tv remote on my pussy tbh. I’ve decided to give him an ultimatum and talk to him seriously this week end. I feel like im loosing my mind.