Show and tell: show me your rare guns!
Hi r/airsoft, we all see pictures of guns daily, but it gets a bit boring and monotonous after the 15th mid-range m4, the 3rd MTW and the 8th speedsoft build. Let's see some rare guns!
Pic 1: Real Sword Type 56-2. Managed to get a hold of this one a few months ago. Previous owner had it sitting on his wall, with less than 100 shots through it. Came in the original box, with the original quality certificate, a few RS stickers, a bottle of gun oil and the magazine still wrapped in the original wax paper. Recently used it at an event and it is actually still running great!
Pic 2: Real Sword SVD. Picked this one up a year back. Sadly not skirmishable at the moment due to feeding issues, I suspect the Maple Leaf bucking in there isn't playing nicely with the hop chamber. Came in the original box with 8 magazines, 5 of which are still packaged. Along with it came an original Real Sword PSO-1 repro, a set of tools in a Real Sword satchel, a spare (though damaged) gearbox and real steel SVD furniture. Probably the most valuable gun I own.
Pic 3: MGC HK P7M13 Schumacher Custom: Got this from a bulk purchase a while back. Probably the rarest gun I own, though probably not the most valuable because of the Dragunov. It was only produced in limited numbers in 1994 and 1995, so it was already pretty rare back in the day. Definitely a collectors piece as it doesn't actually have a hop-up. Only came with a single magazine which, luckily, didn't leak. It actually has a surprisingly hard kick considering it was built for blue gas.
Now let's see your stuff!