For my adhd crafting friends!

I was recently at a friend's place for a month helping organize their new home. They all have adhd too and they've cracked the code to organizing all their stuff. (Pics 1 - 3 is just their craft room. I wish I got more of their shop and garage)

So when I came home I did the exact same thing (pics 4&5)

I have a dresser that all my craft stuff goes into and it was a mess. BUT NOW.

Step 1: Buy clear bins with lids

Step 2: buy a label maker

Step 3: sort everything and label everything in the bin ON THE LID and ON THE FRONT SIDE of the bin. This helps if you have to place the bins somewhere else.

Step 4: Have a home for everything, either it be cabinets or a dresser or a closet. Label the drawers as well. Color codes helps as well!

Now everything has a home and if you still arnt sure you have a clear bin to look in. It's been SO helpful.

I have 2 drawers for my dog stuff as well. It really helps clutter and over stimulation.

Their garage is full of bins with wheels on them so you can move them around easier. All labeled of course.
