This is your sign to stop vaping ❤️
Nicotine is exacerbating your depression, anxiety, and ADHD symptoms, and probably throwing in some new ones just for funsies. Throw the vape away. Stop buying new ones. It's over, girl.
Lil' backstory: I had been feeling incredibly irritable, having mood swings, and extra over stimulated lately. It was bad. I was waking up in a bad mood everyday, and my normally optimistic demeanor was replaced with a miserable angry bitch. I snapped on my bf completely out of nowhere at some point. Officially stopped taking hits last night after learning of someone else whose anxiety went haywire while vaping, and I'm feeling TONS better already.
Once something starts messing with my mental health and so drastically, it's pretty easy to drop cold turkey. The cravings are there, but I'm replacing the habit with breathing exercises, taking extra sips of water, and... more breathing. Lol.