What lies are your addiction telling you?

One of the biggest lies my addiction told me was that I was a victim. I blamed everyone and everything else for my problems. But the truth is, I played a huge role in my own downfall. I was an asshole.

I was the friend who always canceled plans at the last minute. I was the partner who constantly criticized and belittled. I was the family member who lied to get what I wanted.

My addiction amplified these tendencies, but they were there all along. It's a hard truth to swallow, but it's essential for recovery.

I'm learning that taking responsibility isn't about self-hatred - it's about empowerment. It's about recognizing that I have the power to change.

If you're in recovery, what's one "asshole" behavior you've had to confront? Sharing our experiences can help us all heal. And if you're struggling, please reach out for help. You don't have to carry this burden alone.