I'm so sick of self appointed "lesbian defender" non-lesbians using us just to bully other queer women.

I don't know how this became so prevalent that I saw it twice in one day but here we are. First I see a MAN saying that apparently lesbians are too nice so he decided to act on our "behalf" and say that most bisexual women are actually just straight girls doing it for attention.

And then when both bi and lesbian women in the comments disagreeing and pointing out that this is just a common biphobic trope he starts arguing for them to prove they won't end up with a man.

I don't know where men get the audacity to demand a woman prove her attraction to other women or that lesbians would ever cosign a guy saying queer women actually just want a man.

Then I see an askwomen thread about trans women in lesbian bars just to see an army straight people all lamenting the oppression of cis lesbians by their trans overlords. How its the exact same as old school homophobia and conversion therapy, and how any lesbian that speaks up is bullied into silence.

Never mind literally every actual lesbian in that same thread was pushing back against this and ended up downvoted into oblivion by these supposed straight allies.

Apparently after decades of oppressing us by policing consensual relationships and portraying queer people as predators straight people have decided to help us out, by policing consensual relationships and portraying queer people as predators.

Its all built on the idea that we're just too meek and timid to stand up for ourselves and need protection, and the people deciding who we need protection from conveniently happen to be the only ones actually oppressing us.