What do i do???
I'm turning 20 this month on 29th and there's this gurl I really like but she's turning 17 on the same date as me at first I didn't know she's 17 we've been friends for such a long time and it didn't even cross my mind to ask what her age was until she told me she's gay and she likes me and I like her too that's when I asked her age after that I didn't wanna like her anymore because I feel it's wrong since she's a minor.
But she's making it hard she keeps sending risky texts and tiktoks like "I want you to grab me by my waist and kiss me" like how do I go about thatttt and it's making me feel like a drake everytime I remember what her age is
So I really don't know what to do😭
(Excuse my English not really good at it)