Rhysand is not a high lord

Hear me out I have this theory that Rhysand isn’t fae.

>! It doesn’t make sense to me that Rhysand is high fae. He came from a lesser fae family and he’s still the most powerful of all? He knows everything all the time. Like he’s one step ahead of everything. !<

>! The red comet made him more silent than usual. But when I read Kingdom of Ash. It seemed like Rhysand knew it was Aelin as he waved to her and slowed her down !<

>! Also the IC is protected all the time. Even when they die they seem to survive against all odds. The Mother seems to favour him and the IC. That’s why I think the Mother is his actual mother !<

>! Isn’t it strange that he looks like Dorian and Ruhn as well?? And Dorian is very powerful as well. !<

Please don’t shoot me for this theory. I was just talking with a friend in her car and we came up with this theory together. I just wanted to share our thoughts and see what you all think of it.