HELP - husband is emotionally abusive and I don’t know what to do

Hello everyone, first time posting here. Please excuse any grammar errors, English is not my first language.

My husband and I have been married for 2 years, and we have a 5 month old son. Although we had some issues while dating, things were overall good during the beginning of our relationship. But it started taking a dark turn towards the end of my pregnancy.

Fast forward to now, this has become our routine. My husband systematically insults me and belittles me anytime we have a minor disagreement or I complain about anything at all. It feels like I’m constantly walking on eggshells and I can’t voice any opinion, otherwise he’ll blow over. This also extends to our son, who gets insulted and yelled at for doing basic baby things like crying when he’s hungry or needing someone to rock him to sleep (even though I’m the one always tending to his needs, I never force husband to do it).

The recording I attach is today’s example of a fight that started with me getting mad at him and “nagging” him for name calling our baby because he was crying. He was crying because he was hungry. During the whole recording, he was holding our son, who has to witness this toxic dynamic. Husband kept our son in his arms with me unable to take him since he was threatening to leave with him (not the first time, he has been using this threat since baby was 8 days old). There was also a friend of Husband’s who was also a witness to this but seems to think his friend’s actions are justifiable.

Needless to say, I don’t love my husband anymore and I’d be happy to never see him again. But I worry about our son. If I leave him, I worry that I’m escaping this man’s emotional abuse but leaving my son to suffer all of it instead. I won’t be there to try to shield him anymore, or to take it for him. On the other hand, this situation is severely affecting my mental state and my ability to focus and properly care for my son. I also wonder if there is a small chance that husband might not be as abusive if I’m not around to “trigger him”.

Another concern if we end up divorcing and writing a custody agreement is the fact that I will have to return to Europe as I can’t make ends meet here. That would mean sending my baby boy over to the USA with this man for extended periods of time.

If anyone has any piece of advice, it would be incredibly appreciated. I’m at a loss. Thank you to those who read this.