Holy sh*t, it works 🥲

And I know it’s mostly just inflammation & water weight but I haven’t seen the scale go down in YEARS! Only up. Here’s a little timeline and why I’m so fucking pumped and motivated for the first time in a long time-

12/30/2024 I (31F) saw my primary for a follow-up and just melted to the floor with tears that I couldn’t tolerate my binge eating disorder anymore. I weighed in at almost 234lbs and I’m barely 5’4”. It’s been over 10 years. I’ve tried therapy (it literally did nothing), other medications like topiramate (it only made me 100x more depressed and I lost a ton of hair), and sheer will power and all I did was fail. My fasting blood glucoses kept increasing and my CRP (inflammation) was also increasing.

She first suggested a mix of naltrexone and Wellbutrin but I can’t tolerate Wellbutrin (I tried for my ADHD), so insurance wouldn’t approve the naltrexone alone even though I’m on another SNRI I tolerate fine. We messaged back and forth and she decided to try for Zepbound but told me it would likely be some time since they had to get a PA going. This was 1/06/2025 she began the process with insurance.

On 01/15/2025, I went to urgent care to be tested for the flu (I work with the elderly and didn’t want to expose them if it really was the flu) and seen my weight went up to almost 239lbs! I was bawling my eyes out and I knew it was my own fault. I would eat a whole large pizza to myself for dinner, a whole bag of small chocolates (like Hershey bars, Reese’s, etc), sugary drink after sugary drink because my brain couldn’t get enough of the sugar and carbonation. I hated myself and just went home to stuff my face more. Even with the flu, my appetite hardly suppressed. I never get the sensation that I’m full and never have.

After a huge mental breakdown, I decided I needed to try something because there was no promise the Zepbound would be approved. I cut out pop/sugary energy drinks and began eating a lot of protein. It was so hard and I still would cave to my cravings but would order a small blizzard instead of a large blizzard. Basically harm reduction at this point. But my food noise was so loud and if I didn’t cave, I’d get such an overwhelming feeling and practically cry if I didn’t satisfy the craving.

I couldn’t even focus on my studies (I’m trying to get into nursing school in August and I’m studying Nurse Hub to pass my HESI) because all I could think about was food. My bank account would drain from the guilty DoorDash orders. But I TRIED my hardest.

On 01/23/2025, I received a notification from the pharmacy they were filling my Zepbound! I honestly about passed out. I weighed myself the morning of my first shot on 01/27/2025 and I managed to drop down to 230.2lbs but it wouldn’t have continued because the same ole cycle was beginning- I was running out of will power and the cravings were winning.

Today, 02/03/2025, I weighed myself for shits & giggles before my second shot and I’m down to 225.6lbs! WHAT?! This past week, I’ve been able to go to the gym for the first time in a long time without being distracted by the thoughts of food. I can study without obsessing over food. The voice is definitely still there but I’m able to ignore it and not become overwhelmed. I actually get a feeling of full and I chew my food and TASTE & enjoy it instead of shoveling as much as I could down my gullet in as little time possible so I could move on to the next thing.

I’m so sorry for the long post but I have NO ONE to talk to about this. They either think Zepbound and shots like it are “cheating” or they just don’t understand food addiction whatsoever. If I had a dollar for every time I heard “Well just eat less and work out!”, I’d probably have enough money to buy Zepbound outright for a year (sarcasm).

Thank you for reading my post if you made it this far- I just cannot believe the scale went down for the first time in seriously 10 years. I had no idea the brain could be so addicted to food and just how much it was controlling my life. I cannot wait to see where this journey takes me. So much love to everyone!!

(Sorry about the dusty/cat haired scale. It’s been hiding in a closet for 2 years lol).