Some theories and questions - massive spoilers for 3×6 be warned

So, after watching 3×06 - I have some thoughts.

Tai is definitely Dark Tai right now. Her real self is buried. I feel this is emphasized both with the unplugged phone and bed scene with Van. And Van is peicing it together.

Lottie was killed by the person who sent the tape. The person who sent the tape is the little girl who recorded the DAT cassette. The little girl is portrayed by Hillary Swank.

But Van says the only people who knew about that are either dead or them....uhoh.

My mind says this little girl witnessed her parents being murdered by the girls, or captured...something. And she runs and escapes. But has that recording.

I could be totally off base, but that's where my mind is going.

Its possible this is how they are rescued; however, Van's comment stuck out like a sore thumb to me - about them being the only survivors who knew. That man saw Ben. Ben was obviously stabbed and missing a leg. I don't think that couple is the rescue party, sadly.

This also i don't think could be the rescue party if all the people who are dead set on them crashing in the Spring are correct. Van makes a comment that the nights are getting colder but there is still greenery and leaves on the trees. The leaves haven't fallen yet. It's only September, and earlier September at that for their location and climate. The leaves fall mid to late September that far North (Midwesterner who only lives a few hours from the border here).

Unless there are some continuity or oversight errors, I think we have some pretty wild episodes still in the Wilderness coming up.