Lvl 40 Barkhingam Palace

Hi Everybody,

I'm looking for three other players to do Barkingham Palace in about 3 hours. I already did the first quest to start the Quest line.

If Interested feel free to DM.


Can't Talk (I'm at work rn).
Might be Afk for a few minutes at a time.
Am Death school Lvl 40.

Sorry everyone i haven't checked in a while.

1) I still have my job
2) I can usually play on Thursdays and Fridays (There are exceptions to this. Factors include, but not limited to: who's in the office (snitches, boss), my personal workload, clients problems, vacation days (playing at home))
3) This is not my main reddit account as i forgot my password and dhis is only linked to my work PC
4) Evaluating if it's worth doing since it should give at max 1.5 lvls since i'm 43 now
5) DM me either here or, better yet, on Discord (nickacaso_off)
6) I don't telework, so always playing in the office, that's why i can't talk
7) I Don't know what else to add, but i like number 7