Most outrageous Gwent AI comebacks

The most frustrating thing I’m finding about playing through on Death March is the outrageous ‘cheating’ from the AI on the some Gwent games.

There’s a couple of merchants I’ve encountered who are just savage.

Been trying to defeat this one in Oxenfurt. Was 100% sure I had him. We were 1-1 and on the final round. He had one card left. I was up 136 with front units and siege both rows with commanders horns. He was on about 30. I was already celebrating that I’d finally nailed this slippery bastard. Then…

His last card was a revival card. He revived a spy, drew two more, played another spy, played another revival and so on. I’ve never seen so many spies in one deck you’d think he was fucking MI6. By the time he’d finished his one in a million series of draws he’d played weather cards on both seige and front units, and conveniently also drew a number of ten strength range units (only row I didn’t have much on).

I went from 136 to about 25 and he went up to 40 and won. Choice words were used at the screen…