MAHCP ratification vote.
Hello folks!
This post is mostly aimed at fellow MAHCP members voting on ratification for the agreement tomorrow.
I have worked as an MLA for now over a decade and - especially since covid - have been struggling with the ever increasing pressure of being a $20-something per hour worker in today's economy.
I know a lot of technologists are quite content with the agreed upon increases over the next four years, and I am here to implore you to vote no on ratification.
MLAs simply cannot afford to agree to this.
Back in November Canada Post went on strike for wages, these folks don't require post-secondary education, and a quick google says their wage range is $22-$32 hourly.
Now a medical laboratory technician, which is an educated healthcare support profession wages are ~$22.50-$28.30 for us here in Manitoba, we provide essential services in our healthcare system, however, we make less than the folks delivering your mail.
This is not to say they also don't deserve a decent wage too, but seriously what the heck!
Our current NDP government campaigned on fixing healthcare, and healthcare absolutely cannot be fixed if the educated workers therein do not make a decent living wage.
I am currently looking for a way out of our healthcare system, particularly after seeing this tentative agreement as the wage has been rapidly becoming no longer feasible to survive off of, if the trend continues we will see increased shortfalls in support staff and quality of service in the healthcare setting in Manitoba.
If you care about your co-workers, and want to stand in solidarity with them, vote no.
Our government and our union needs to do better if we want better for ourselves, those who depend on us, as well as their future.
<3 thanks for listening to my frustrated rant, and stay warm out there!
Edit: I need to apologize, I did not come here intending at all to bash on Canada Post or anyone working without post-secondary, they 100% deserve living wages too, and their mandate back to work was abhorrent, it was just being used as one recent reference point as to why I find the proposed ratification agreement disagreeable.