“You look better without the wig” and other unsolicited opinions
Dealing with unsolicited comments from people has been kind of exhausting.
People who say “you look better without the wig” or “you don’t need a wig” are really getting on my nerves. They think maybe they’re complimenting me, but it’s frustrating because I’m wearing a wig for ME and I like how I look with it on. The self absorption some people feel that they think I should base my actions on what THEY think looks best is unreal.
Being kind and tolerant is important to me so I try to respond in a nice way and not show that it pissed me off. It helps to rant here to others who may understand.
As someone who’s working so hard on loving myself, these kinds of comments can make me so livid and frustrated. Our society really wants us all to care SO MUCH what other people think of us and I’m sick of it!
How do you all handle these kinds of comments? Do you share your frustration with them or do you see it as a compliment?