Which books made you cry, and when?
I'll start with my list. Now I dont ever cry during sad movies and stuff but warriors was the first series to ever do that for me so I think its some special bond. I first cried in the Last Hope when Ferncloud's (or was it Brightheart?) kits said "why is Ferncloud sleeping? - She's tired from all the fighting silly, Dustpelt will wake her up. AND THEN WHEN DUSTPELT RUSHED IN CRYING AND WAILING 😭😭😭 The next time was in River of Fire when Briarlight, my top character, died, she did not deserve such a death wth. Crookedstar's promise is my all time favorite book and at the end where literally everyone who he loved died and then he attacked Oakheart and argued with Mapleshade was just so depressing, I feel so bad for him. Lastly in Squirrelflight's hope which I'm reading rn I cried thrice, once when Larksong told Squirrelflight to tell Sparkpelt that he loves her, then when Bramblestar was wailing and crying over Squirrelflight, and when Squirrelflight was telling Tree to pass on her message to Bramblestar :( what about y'all? When way your "I hate and love this series for what it does to me" Moment?