Should I feel guilty for not purchasing LL?
Hi all! I hope everyone is doing well.
My family, including two sisters 18 and 14, and I (20) will be at WDW from Wed June 4 to Fri June 13. We will be staying at Old Key West, and this will be our first trip to the parks in over 10 years! Given that quite a bit of time has passed since our last trip, I want to make this upcoming trip as magical as possible. We have already spent on DDP, Park Hopper and Memory Maker, so now I question if we should splurge on LL given that these essentially used to be free (FastPass) our last time.
We plan on taking advantage of Early Morning and Extended Evening Hours, which I would assume eliminates the need for MK and Epcot, and through what I have seen on this sub, AK LL is not worth it. This leaves HS, but my father is not particularly fond of thrill rides and is prone to motion sickness. This means that we would not be able to max out on the value of our LL, but I don't want to leave him out either. Is this plan doable? I feel as if LL is heavily advertised and is highly seen as an enhancement that is worth it. I fear that our party will be missing out.
Any feedback or commentary is welcome :)