Controversial opinion but I don't think Arnheid and Gardar added a lot of value.

I was so engrossed in watching how things played our between Canute, the Farm, Thorfinn and Einar that Arnheid seemed like just a distraction.

When Gardar appeared he was like a NPC to me. It seemed like they had to strech the story and so they did. If you remove both of the characters from the story, nothing changes. No character formation happens because if these two.

It felt like a nuisnace whenever these two hit the screen. I was just not wanting to see them and one point felt good that they killed the character and the actual story gained pace.

What do you think of this? Am I missing something or do you think Arnheid was required? In my opinion, it was a waste of time. I would have loved to watch Einar, Canute and Thorfinn or any other character more on the screen rather than the whole Gardar-Arnheid arc.