The “let’s not applaud men for doing the basic things” movement is BS

I’m a woman and I really hate the popular messaging going around that women shouldn’t applaud their bfs/husbands/partners for doing the bare minimum partner stuff.

I find this mindset to be bitter, entitled, and very toxic. Things like this is what continues to drive resentment and lack of empathy between men and women.

Everyone needs appreciation for big and small things regardless of gender. If we went out of our way to show our partners appreciation for even the most basic things, we would have happier, more fulfilling relationships.

Wouldn’t you feel fulfilled in a relationship if your partner made a big deal after you do the dishes/cook dinner and showed that by giving you a back rub or watching whatever movie you want to watch with you?

To me, withholding appreciation and applause in a relationship is like watering your plant with bleach and expecting it to bloom.

I know from my childhood with my parents that this mindset doesn’t work. They believed they shouldn’t need to applaud me for doing the bare minimum as a kid. This made me resentful and I stopped wanting to do anything with them. I felt like the stuff I did do didn’t matter and not good enough. So I wouldn’t recommended this kind of thinking in a relationship.