The US Presidential Election 2024 - Vent Masterpost
Please use this thread if you wish to vent about the 2024 US election and its results, due to the volume of posts venting about the election we felt necessary to limit them to one space as many of them echo similar sentiments. This also allows us to better monitor the threads for heated arguing and keep the subreddit from being flooded with election posts, as this is not specifically a US-based subreddit nor a political topic subreddit.
This thread should still remain within our rules, we ask that disagreements or differing opinions are kept as civil as possible and arguing/bullying or aggression and harassment is left off this subreddit and reported if it's happening. We will be monitoring this thread carefully for hate speech, bullying and aggressive behavior to protect the wider userbase. You can disagree without fighting aggressively with each other.
Thank you all for understanding.