Shop selling expired juice
I recently visited one of the old smoke shops I used to go to and bought some juice. I opened it in the car and noticed that the color was super dark. Checked the expiration date and it was expired… I went back in to see if I could swap it out and the employee grabbed me another bottle and then proceeded to put the expired one back on the shelf (knowing that it was expired).
Went back to the car, and the new bottle was also expired. I wasn’t going to go back in a second time to swap it for another one honestly cause I didn’t want to come off as “one of those” annoying customers. I talked to my friend about this and she told me the same thing happened to her at the same shop so my guess is they aren’t going through their stock at all and knowingly selling expired product to people. After this experience I don’t think I’m going to be going back to the shop again which sucks cause it used to be my favorite smoke shops
Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this or has seen shops selling expired juices?
Edit: the expiration date is August 2023