Spotlight Series and women in Tier 1
Today I just saw another post about GC talent and why teams in Tier 1 are not hiring or trialing them. All the answers in the comment section were things along the line of: "GC= Tier 3", "GC not good enough", "Need Tier 2 experience first".
However I think this is a really bad take and I want to discuss why. We have seen GC talent try Tier 2 before and it hasn't always gone well. However, there is an event ongoing now which a lot of y'all are watching too. Spotlight.
Here GC talent and Tier 1 talent compete together, to make a fun off season event, but most importantly, shine a "spotlight" on this GC talent. And I think it has. In almost every map GC talent is just as good, or better than players from Tier 1 like Marteen, Jawgemo and others (just some names off the top of my head). I have seen these matches where these two worlds come together and function incredibly well, especially seen on a team like G2. But not only there, like every single match and team with this talent plays Valorant really great.
I've had this opinion for a longer time, but this event showed it for me, clear as day. Why aren't they then given a chance in Tier 1? Why aren't teams looking at them? And most importantly, why is there still a big discussion and feeling in the community that GC is "Tier 3"? Because for me GC talent is ready for Tier 1.
I would love some opinions on why, or why not!