Utterly fed up of Cambridge, don't know whether to stick it out.

I'm a History student in my second year– so I'm more than halfway through my degree. But I really don't want to be here anymore. I've been at home for four weeks, writing my essays here and doing the odd supervision on Zoom. This is obviously not sustainable long-term, but it was the only way I was going to get through Lent.

I don't know what's changed and why I hate it all of a sudden. First year had its ups and downs – the formals, the rowing culture and most of what you think of when you hear 'Cambridge' were novelty for about a week and a half, but I did find a few people to have a drink with. I liked getting involved in acting, there's plenty of sport here. But I soon discovered just how much I hate the insular feel of the place, how self-reflexive it is. The university is filled with a lot of big egos, and I can't help but find a lot of the posh kids immature and at-times abhorrent (I'm a couple years older to be fair, but I can tell which kids are just continuing their behaviour from public schools. There are really good people here, sure, but it feels at least like they're fewer and far between. And the worst thing is, because of how heavy the work load is and how busy the days are, it's hard when you meet someone you can see yourself being mates with to find the time to really nurture it; a lot of possible new friendships feel doomed to being a convenient acquaintanceship. Aside from all this, I do like my course and I like the intimacy of the supervision system, but aside from that I have just not settled in here. I miss spending my free time in real proper countryside (the fens are fucking grim, and I don't find Norfolk to be much better), I miss feeling like I'm in the real world and chatting to people about a world beyond Cambridge.

I'm thinking about transferring to Manchester, Bristol for my final year or Edinburgh for two more years. My family think it's a terrible idea and that I should stick it out... but I can't bear being in Cambridge any longer like. I'm missing lectures as it is and my work has plummeted from a high 2:1 to a low 2:2. I feel very depressed at the moment, and my tutor has suggested that I take time away from my degree for a couple of terms. But I told him that I'd never come back so I'd best keep on going.

Really lost with it all so would appreciate some advice.

EDIT: Hi everyone, thanks for all the responses, really. I spent a lot of time going over them this evening and thinking them all through. For now I will focus on seeing a GP and getting my head together, and after that I want to soldier on for my final term this year and reassess in the summer. Feel a bit calmer about everything so I'm grateful to all of you