Baking bread every week until I finish my PhD week 20

yall i messed up 😭 i forgot to halve the amount of water i added to my preferment and so instead of a 75% hydration dough i ended up with 100% which means its way goopier and harder to shape/work. some breads are made with this much water so i decided to try to make the best of it and dumped it in a loaf pan not upset at the results? its admittedly not the most beautiful but the crust is thin n crispy and the inside has a good flavor, despite being a touch under done. my plan is to slice it thin, toast it, and make lil bruschettas. i hope you dont mind the switch up.

school wise its generally a stressful time to be in higher ed and im really starting to feel it. if you are too, i hope that you are finding moments of peace when you can. whatever you study, whatever you do for our community, its important and im glad you are here doing it. take care <3