Need motivation to lose some weight
Hi girlies! This is my first post here and I am looking for some motivation, I need to lose about 10kgs because I’m almost diabetic and I am HATING the way I look. I know my looks shouldn’t have much to do with my confidence but … alas. Please please give me tips and tricks and most importantly motivating pep talk so that I can get my ass up and do something, also can’t go gyming because of some mad past experience in a gym I wouldn’t like to get into🫠 PLEASE AND THANKYOU❤️
EDIT - thank you , beautiful, sweet girls. Y’all are god sent and I’m going take each and everything in consideration and most importantly I feel so motivated to do this for myself, and for some men who even found this a way to text me, disgusting. There’s one creep with the creepiest profile who has “done a diploma in nutrition “ and would like to help me out ?????🫠