All the emotions I feel when I think about being a woman are negative. Have you ever hated being a woman? Can a woman not develop sexually?

I see how so many women seem to have such positive associations with womanhood, like having girlfriends getting compliments from men, etc. I don’t understand how women feel positively about being woman.

I associate being a woman with pain, sadness, disappointment, anger, hurt . . . there’s pretty much nothing positive about it for me. I’ve never been socially accepted by other girls and women, and I doubt I will be. I’m just different from other women.

I don’t feel like I identify with another gender, but I don’t like being a woman. I associate being a woman with so much pain.

If a woman has no sex drive, associates pain and no pleasure with sex, and hates her body, does that mean that she didn’t develop a sexuality? What could cause this?

I’ve seen femininity content and heard different people talk about “soft power” “Venus energy” and women being “goddesses.” I’ve seen in my real life how people always connect a woman being a goddess (or really anything that involves a woman’s body) with sex, and of course to most men sex = PIV. I feel like it’s pretty clear that the only women who are valued and viewed this are women who can be penetrated. I feel like I shouldn’t exist. I have no value.

Society (and almost all straight men) have already decided where our value comes from. I don’t understand why some women get lucky and are born into the bodies that allow them to be considered worthy, good enough, goddesses, etc and then there are women like me.

I don’t like my body at all. It’s failed me and feels like an enemy. I associate my body with nothing except pain and problems. I’ve never been able to have an orgasm. It’s really frustrating to feel broken for so long. I don’t understand why I had to have the body I have.

I wish I could understand. I wish I didn’t have a broken body. I hope I don’t live very long with the body I have.

Why would a woman never be able to finish? I don’t even touch myself or try anymore. What’s the point? All I associate everything in between my legs with is problems.

I never asked all for this pain or these problems, but I’m trapped in my body anyway. And I know that having these problems with sex and me never wanting it will essentially render me unable to even have a relationship. I don’t know how women live supposedly happy lives and have relationships with men when it’s clear that to them our value comes mainly or totally from our vaginas and them being able to screw us.

I don’t believe I’ll ever be able to have PIV sex. I feel like it’s something that I’ll have to motivate myself to even try to do for a partner. I know if I tried to force something that large in, it will do nothing for me and will hurt like hell. I feel so turned off to penetration, and everything about sex between men and women is supposed to revolve around that. It’s depressing.

I don’t know what happened. Did I not develop a sexuality, or did it die for some reason? My body is upsetting to me. It’s one of the worst parts of my life. It’s caused me so much pain.

Does anyone else feel like their body is their worst enemy, and like they’re fighting it?

Do any other women see how so much of our worth and value is based on and seems to revolve around our vaginas/PIV?

I don’t understand why some women can easily put out and provide PIV for their partner and I’m stuck with the body I have. I haven’t had any libido for at least a year now, maybe longer. I tried to use dilators to fix my vaginismus but haven’t had any luck. I’m seeing a PT but not on a regular enough basis.

What does it mean if a woman has no positive feelings towards penetration? How are we supposed to just not be afraid of and actually enjoy PIV? I feel so defective and broken. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tolerate a guy trying to penetrate me because of pain. I don’t see myself ever enjoying penetration, which is really sad because we’re expected as women to be able to let a guy have PIV with us and at least act like we’re enjoying it.

It’s so sad seeing how all of the women who are considered good enough, worthy, good partners, or being “goddesses” can all do that. Do other women not care that that’s what their value is being based on?