My female best friend confessed to being attracted to me and my male best friend thinks "It's cute"

My best friend of 20 years is a lesbian. Last night she sat me down to talk and she told me that she loved me for a long time and that she hoped I change my mind. I am upset with her because I've told her before that I have no attraction to her whatsoever and we're strictly platonic. Never kissed, never gave her hope, and more than that I've been open about questioning whether I am capable of attraction in a sexual or a romantic way at all. She knows that for years I've been single and haven't even had the smallest crush on anyone. The fact that she sat me down is one thing, but since she knows that I have no interest in anyone the "I hope you will change your mind" line was upsetting. I'd never have told her "Hey, this Luke guy thinks you are cute, care to reconsider being gay?" I went to my male best friend who knows her, but we aren't a trio so to speak. Upon telling him that I am not thrilled about it he said "It's cute, like a girl thing". So yeah one of my best friends pushed my boundaries and the other one thinks that a woman being in love with another woman is not to be taken seriously. Support needed!