I Met my abusive ex after years.

And I feel liberated.

I have had years of therapy and diagnosed with c-ptsd. Nightmares and fears. Always scenarios what if I meet him. And I did. But not in a place I thought.

I went to our cities lgbtq+ bar with a colleague and two friends. It’s an amazing place I love to go to. It’s always safe and never felt anxiety being there. Well this time I was standing at a table with my girls and next to me I saw a guy and said “he looks like my ex” Then I got eye contact with him. It was my ex.

He came up and said long time no see. Asked to talk. I thought fuck it. Made sure my now partner knew where I was and who was here may I break down he could pick me up.

It was not needed I talked with him for a bit. He came out bi. (I was already out) and honestly looked a bit miserable. More we talked more I realised how much I have grown and now do what I wanted. While he was just… idk? Basic? I realised that I wasn’t scared of him anymore. I pitied him. No anxiety, no crying, I wasn’t even mad. I just felt sexy and beautiful standing there telling him no I won’t forgive him. I said we can be in the same club no problem but don’t expect to ever be friends.

I danced. Had a ton of fun. When he came to talk again my friends pulled me away and danced.

I faced my ex, that abused me for 4 years, took away my confidence and self love. Took it all back stood there feeling amazing. Not letting him manipulate me, or saying yeah I will never know if you lie so I just assume you always are. I will never trust you again.

Now few days later I physically feel better and mentally too. I love my life, my partner, my friends,my volunteering even when it makes me broke as fuck. And, I love myself and actually want to dress sexy for the first time in my life.

I did it all. And he will never be able to touch me ever again.

(Sorry for the bad writing English, I just needed to share, and hope some find a way of power in it.)