Hi colleagues forget my girlfriends ass and boobs please.
I honestly cannot get over the pure humiliation that this happened. My boyfriend has a meeting with a his colleagues on Tuesday morning. Normally I’m already out of bed to walk our puppy. But not today. I have had a rough night and woke up late.
My boyfriend works from home and has his desk placed next to the stairs of our loft bed. Normally I won’t ever be in few. But today I woke up and half sleeping went down without a t shirt on. And he started screaming what are you doing. I had no idea what was happening. He said my camera is on. Low and behold I was full few for 30 seconds boobs out ass on right next to him. I ran behind the couch and I’m laying here for half an hour or so just crying.
He said you know I have a meeting every week. Like I remember his schedule?
My mom laughed. My sister laughed. It’s funny until it happens to you. Oh yeah fun fact. Guess who I’m going to meet Friday. One of his colleagues 🥲
EDIT I need to clear up a little misunderstanding. I’m not mad at him or his reaction we both were a bit in shock. We are both not mad nor fighting over it. after his meeting we decided he would put up an old leash on the stairs if I’m still in bed so I know he is on camera.
I don’t remember his meetings or schedules because I’m normally not there since I get up before him. I also didn’t remember it because he mentioned his weekly meetings in a talk weeks ago. It was just so unfortunate that I woke up half asleep and needed to pee in just that one hour. 😫
It has been some days. I met the colleague last Friday just as planned. It was what most of you said just fine! I made a joke about it and we laughed for a bit. Honestly we already laugh about it.
I do like to say a few things since there are still comments coming in: - Green screen was on. But that doesn’t work when you are next to someone. The stairs are steep and right next to him. - No I did not enjoy it. Please also stop sending DMs to “send the recording” or asking for nudes. Gross. - No it wasn’t fake and just made for camera I wish it was! - for me crying for so long, The reason I had such a hard reaction was because I am rather private about my body. I don’t feel comfortable showing much cleavage imaginable full naked. I’m so happy you feel so confident it wouldn’t bother you! Wish that was me haha.
This was not a post about whose fault it was. It was mine and the situation. Foggy head + bad timing. It can happen to the best. There was never a fight between us.
Overall thank you all so much for listening, sharing your stories and place to let it out. Even though there was indeed no proofreading, typed in a state of panic and English being my third language.